The millennials' guide to money management
Buy a house or buy avocado toast? Savings or subscriptions? You can have both!

The millennials' guide to money management


Hi. I'm Charlotte.
I spent a decade teaching mathematics in secondary schools, until I realised two things:
1. Schools don’t equip us to manage our money
2. This wasn’t what I wanted to do with my life
So I quit! I spent 7 months travelling the world with my family before coming home to focus on teaching you about how your money works.
They say personal finance is personal, so what are you gonna do with yours?
Take that first step to a better financial future with access to:
- Brand new workshops every month
- Two top courses (Budgeting & Investing Confidence)
- Live Q&As
- Group coaching
- Tools & resources
- Dedicated Facebook community
Take that first step to a better financial future with access to:
- Brand new workshops every month
- Two top courses (Budgeting & Investing Confidence)
- Live Q&As
- Group coaching
- Tools & resources
- Dedicated Facebook community

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